Accounts Held In Multiple Currencies
Accounts through Edge Clear can
be funded in multiple currencies. Different currency accounts will be
held separate from one another. A total theoretical account balance
will be shown in USD on the daily statements. This theoretical total balance
is generated using the current day’s spot FX conversation rate for any non-USD
An account funded in EURO, but trading USD products, will create a separate USD account and will have two currency accounts, one USD account and one EURO
An account funded in EURO that generates a negative USD PNL will see two separate balances on the daily statements, in addition to the Theoretical Total USD balance. The theoretical USD balance will fluctuate based on the exchange rate every day.
At your request, we can convert
funds to cover any negative currency balances. The treasury department may convert funds without request if a negative currency balance becomes too large and is at risk of causing the account to go debit.
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