Creating and saving Templates allows a user to quickly apply favorite studies, bars, and more to a new chart.
Saving a Template
To save a Template, first create a chart with all the studies, bar types, etc, that are to be saved. Once the chart is set up as desired, navigate to "File"-->"Chart"-->"Templates" -->"Save As Template".
In the "Save As Template" window, enter in a name for the template and check the box that says "Include Chart Settings". Check all chart options you wish to save with the template, and then press "Save As".
This will create a template that can be applied to a chart.
Applying/Managing a Template
To apply a template to a chart, navigate to the chart and select "File"-->"Chart"-->"Template". Select the template from the dropdown.
Note: Applying a template will not change the trading contract.
To edit/delete a template, navigate to "File"-->"Chart"-->"Template"-->"Manage Templates".
At the following menu, select a template and press "Edit".