Connection Details for EdgeWatch - Plugin Mode

Connection Details for EdgeWatch - Plugin Mode

Downloading R|Trader Pro

In order to avoid paying multiple platform fees, you can use Rithmic R|Trader Pro to feed data to your trading platforms (including EdgeProX).  More information on why this can be necessary can be found in the following link.

To connect to EdgeWatch Plugin Mode, first download R|Trade Pro from this link. 

When the program is downloaded, open R|Trader Pro and enter in your login credentials. Before connecting, select "Allow Plugins". This will enable R|Trader Pro's plugin modes. Then, select "Login" to open R|Trader Pro. 

IMPORTANT: RTrader Pro must be open and running in order for EdgeWatch to connect to the data feed.

Connecting to EdgeWatch: 

First, you will need to download EdgeWatch here

Once that is completed, you will want to locate EdgeWatch and open it. 

When you first open up EdgeWatch, you will see the login window pop up.  To log in, please make sure you have, "Plugin Mode" checked and the correct System you are connecting to which correlates with your R|Trader System & Gateway.

System: Rithmic 01 
  1. This is the system you will use to log in with your LIVE credentials
System: Rithmic Paper Trading
  1. This is the system you will use to log in with your Paper Trading credentials
Once you enter in the correct Username and Password (same credentials as your live or simulated account), you should be able to connect.
After you log in to your EdgeWatch, the application should look similar to the following: 

NOTE: If you have followed all of the steps to get EdgeWatch running and are logged in but the app is not allowing you to select your account to download data, then you are attempting to use EdgeWatch with a non-Edge Clear account and don't have a license to do so. Please reach out to your personal broker to get this resolved

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