1. Navigate to the File tab located in the upper left hand corner of the platform window and left click.
2. Highlight the Broker Profiles option.
3. Left click the Manage Broker Profiles option under the new drop down menu.
4. Once the Broker Profiles window is open left click the New > button.
5. Highlight and left click the data feed of your choice.
This will now add the datafeed to your list of broker profiles. Once added, the Properties window will automatically open. Enter the data feed account credentials under the Authority field.
6. Now that the Properties window is open, fill out the datafeed credentials under the Login: and Password: fields.
7. Left click the Connectivity field to select the sever type for your data. Select Live (Rithmic 01 for Rithmic data) if preparing to trade on live servers or Sim (Rithmic Paper trading for Rithmic data feed) if trading on simulated data.
8. Once all fields have been appropriately entered, left click the OK button.
This is essentially universal across all data feeds that can connect to MultiCharts. First enter your username and password, select the server type, then proceed to connecting.
Now that all crucial information has been entered, users can connect to the their datafeed.
9. First select the data option you want to connect to.
10. Once the preferred data option has been selected, left click the Connect button.