How to alter time frames on EdgeProX

How to alter time frames on EdgeProX

Time frames are used to set different tick periods for a chart. This can be used to see a granular view of a price or volume history or a wider trend view.

Changing a charts time frame

There are two ways to alter a time frame of a chart. 

Chart Menu Bar: This is a dropdown menu of different time increments for the chart. This dropdown menu will only feature linear time increments, not other chart views. 

Time Frame Bar: Here are preset time frame options including non-linear options.

Altering Preset 

EdgeProX by default comes with a preset list of time frames. If you wish to change these presets go to "Configure"->"Preferences"->"Chart"->"Bar Size Selector." From here you can add or remove favorite time frames by pressing "Add" or "Remove." If you wish to reset the time frame bar preset bar, select "Reset". 

After finished, press "Apply" and then "OK".

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