However, if you wish to activate the trial. You can access unlimited data through Sierra servers and all the symbols available on Sierra Chart.
To activate a trial, run Sierra Chart.
Step 1:
Select Global Settings >> Activate Trial.
Step 2:
To the right of Enter your SMS number, enter your mobile phone number. The format is: [country code][full telephone number] Example: 13072222222
Left click twice on the text Send SMS Code.
You will receive a code to your mobile phone for activating Sierra Chart. Ensure you entered the phone number correctly if you did not receive the SMS code.
Step 3:
If you still do not receive the SMS Code, contact Sierra Chart through an Account Support Ticket.
Step 4:
To the right of Enter the received SMS code, enter the code you received to your mobile phone.
Left click twice on the text Activate Trial.
You will receive a prompt confirming the activation of the trial.
Within two minutes, your installation of Sierra Chart will be activated.