How to get FuturesTrader71 charts on EdgeProX

How to get FuturesTrader71 charts on EdgeProX

In order to get FuturesTrader71 charts onto your EdgeProX workspace, you must be subscribed to EdgeProX. If you are not subscribed to EdgeProX, you can do so here. 

To view a video walkthrough of this process, please click here. 

Login to the EC Subscription Portal by selecting the "EC Subscription Portal" button under "Account Portal". 

Once logged in, go to the "Special Downloads" section and select the downloads you want. 

Once downloaded, open EdgeProX and select the "Import Analysis" by selecting the folder icon or by pressing CTRL+K. 

Select the downloaded file and import it into the platform. In the dialog box type @ES or select the instrument using the dropdown button. If you wish to apply the analysis to a different instrument e.g., ESM2 (Rithmic) or EPM22 (CQG), then choose the instrument in the import analysis dialog box. Then click "Import".  

If you wish to apply the chart or analysis to another chart or symbol, first save the chart as a template by selecting File-Chart-Template-Save As Template.

Then, navigate to the chart you would like to apply the template to and press File-Chart-Template-and select the template. 
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