How to Set Commissions on EdgeProX

How to Set Commissions on EdgeProX

How to Set Commissions on EdgeProX

Setting commissions is key to understanding profits and losses while trading. Commissions can be set for live trading, simulated trading, or during Replay Mode. 

To set default commissions on EdgeProX, select the "Configure" button on the top menu row. Once the dropdown menu appears select "Commissions". 

After selecting "Commissions", enter in the desired specifications and press "Update".

  1. Base Cost – This is the base cost of a trade. Some brokers offer flat rates for commissions. If this is the case, just enter the cost here.
  2. Unit Cost – Some brokers charge based on the number of units (ie quantity) that are part of an order (ie shares, contracts etc).
  3. Unit Size – If a unit cost has been specified, this is the lot size.

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