Linking charts in EdgeProX

Linking charts in EdgeProX

Linking Charts

Linking charts is a powerful tool that allows you to apply an action to a number of different charts and DOMs. There are a few different ways to assign a link group to a chart. The easiest way is by selecting the group of colors on the bottom of the chart:

Linking Basics:

  1. The broken chain unlinks a chart that is selected 
  2. The linked chain links selected charts
  3. The color circles are link groups 

Another option to link charts in EdgeProX is through the following: 
  1. Select the "link" symbol above and select the color you wish to use. In the example below "Blue Link" is chosen

  2. Click anywhere in chart. Next, click the "Link" button again and select the chart you wish to link to. 

  3. The charts should now be linked. The default setting for linkages is to set to contract. See the following section to change linkage types.
In order to unlink charts, select the extreme left hand corner of the window, select "Unlink" and then press the chart you wish to unlink.

Changing Linkage Types 

In EdgeProX, there are two different linkage options: 
  1. Link Instrument: This linkage is based around the contract being traded. For examples charts linked under the E-Mini S&P (ES) will both show and share data and instruments on this contract. 
  2. Link Bar Size: This will link the bar size and type configurations between the linked graphs.
To switch between these linkage types go to "Preferences"->"General"->"Linking"->Uncheck "Use Defaults"-> Set the desired option to a color->"Apply" and then "OK".

Linking with Templates

By default, a chart's studies will be carried over to the linked chart.  If you do not want this setting active, go to "Configure->"Preferences"->"Chart"->"Templates" uncheck "Link Templates" and press "Apply" and "Ok"


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