CQG Small Exchange Symbols
CQG Data Feed Small Exchange Symbols
If you are using CQG as an execution platform or as a data feed in a third party platform, below are the symbols for the Small Exchange.
Product Name
| Product Symbol
Small Stocks 75 | F.US.S75M[myy] |
Small Technology 60 | F.US.STIX[myyl |
Small Dollar | F.US.SFXlmyy] |
Small Precious Metals | F.US.SPME[myy] |
Small 2YR US Treasury Yield | F.US.S2Y[myy] |
Small 10YR US Treasury Yield | F.US.S10Y[myy] |
Small 30YR US Treasury Yield | F.US.S30Y[myy] |
Small US Crude Oil | F.US.SMO[myy] |
Small Cannabis | F.US.S420(myy] |
Small Cryptocurrency | F.US.SCCX[myy) |
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