Saving A Workspace in EdgeProX
Saving a workspace is a feature of EdgeProX that allows a workspace to be converted into a file so that it can be shared with another trader, Edge Clear support staff, or loaded onto a new computer. Saving a workspace copy onto your computer by default happens automatically when you close EdgeProX. Manually saving a backup workspace is useful in case a problem occurs with your workspace, you can restore your saved file.
Configuring Save Settings
To alter the settings in which EdgeProX saves a workspace:
- Go to "Configure" and select "Preference".
Once the Preferences window is open. Check the 'Auto Save Interval' so your workspace settings are saved automatically in case of unexpected shutdown.

Then, go to the lower dropdown menu on the far upper right corner and select "Backup"
- When the Backup Preferences window is open, you are able to alter your settings including turning on/off Auto Backup, how many backup files are saved, and the default location of the saved files plus more.
Be sure to press "Apply" first and "OK" second to ensure edits are inputted.
Saving a Workspace
In order to save your workspace follow these simple steps:
- Go to "File" and select "Backup"

- A popup window should appear with the file name and location. Press "Browse" to place the file in a specific location or press "Create" to save to the default file location.

- You can rename the file by clicling the file name. This will pull up the file location on your computer and from there you will be able to rename the file.

Restoring a Backup Workspace
If a problem occurs with your workspace, or you wish to reset to a previous workplace's settings, charts, and/or studies, you can restore the workspace by following these steps:
- Go to "File" and press "Restore"

- Select the search bar or "Browse" and select the workspace you wish to restore.

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