Sierra Chart Rithmic Paper Trading Connection Details

Sierra Chart Rithmic Paper Trading Connection Details

Below you will find instructions on how to setup your Sierra Chart trial and connect with your Rithmic Paper Trading login for real time data.   


Getting Started:

  1. If you do not currently have Sierra Charts, please download the platform, and register for a 15 day trial here: Click Here
  2. IMPORTANT: When installing Sierra Chart, be sure to check the Install Optional Components box
  3. Once downloaded, log in to Sierra Charts with your Sierra Charts username and password.
  4. When the Sierra Chart program is open, click on the DTS button at the top left to connect Sierra with Real Time Data

  • For Service select Rithmic Trading
  • For Server select Paper Trading Server
  • Enter your Rithmic username and password:
  • Username: 
  • Password: 


**Required: Rithmic requires the Market Data agreements to be signed prior to allowing a connection to real time data.

Please use the credentials above to log in here and sign the agreements: Rithmic Agreement

4.  To connect to the live data select File >> Connect to Data Feed

Please use the following page to help you get started: Click Here

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