Using EdgeProX's Replay Mode

Using EdgeProX's Replay Mode

Opening Replay Mode 

In order to open Replay Mode, navigate to the the "View" menu on the desired contract window and select "Replay Mode". This will open replay bar on the bottom of the window.

To close the Replay Bar, press the "X" on the far right of the Replay Bar.  

Using Replay Mode 

Setting the Time Frame 

To set the time period you wish to view, press the calendar icon next to the date and select the desired date and time. After selecting the time frame, press the power button on the left of the Replay Bar to activate Replay Bar. To change the tick increment, select a time increment from the bar above.

Using the Replay Bar

  1. The "Play" button moves the replay forward 1 tick. 
  2. The "Forward" button moves the replay forward a full bar.
  3. The "Fast Forward" button moves the replay continuously at a speed set in the Replay Settings menu (See above).
  4. The "Rewind" button resets the replay to the beginning time frame.
  5. The "Stop" button will stop playing ticks.

Configuring Replay Mode 

To change settings of Replay Mode. press the "Cog" on the far right of the Replay Bar. From here you can configure the settings of the Replay being viewed. Be sure when finished to press "Update".

The following settings apply to the playback of data in replay mode:

  1. Source Data – Options for source data include:
    1. Bar Data – Each bar is used to generate 4 ticks: open, high, low and close
    2. Minute Data – Minute data will be loaded from the data service to generate ticks (each minute bar will have 4 ticks: open, high, low and close
    3. Tick Data – If your broker/data service provides historical tick data, then this may be used
  2. Generate Ticks – If this is enabled EdgeProX will generate a set of ticks to (beyond OHLC) for playback. This option does not apply to the Tick Data option
  3. Step Until Price Change – If enabled it will keep playing ticks until the price changes when pressing the play button (instead of a single tick at a time).
  4. Real Delay – If this option is checked, EdgeProX will simulate the delay between ticks by using the tick timestamps. Use this if you would like to simulate the actual playback of ticks in real time
  5. Speed Factor – Applies to Real Delay option above. Allows you to speed up (or slow down) the play back of ticks in real time
  6. Tick Delay – this is the delay to add between the play of each tick.
  7. Bar Delay – this is the delay to wait between the playback of each bar.
  8. Replay Link – Use these options to link the replay mode across multiple charts.

Replay Account:

The replay account is useful if you intend to place trades in replay mode. If this is enabled, a special account will be created (see Account page in the Console) to track all orders, positions and historical trades for the replay session.

  1. Account ID – This is the name of the account ID that will track trades
  2. Base Currency – This will default to your base currency, but you can change it if you like
  3. Cash Balance – Opening cash balance when you enable replay mode
  4. Include Commissions – Check if you want trade commissions to be included in the P/L calculations.

Linking in Replay Mode

The linking feature in EdgeProX enables you to use replay mode across several different charts at the same time. Please follow the below steps to link your charts to the replay mode:

  1. Select the charts that you want to include and choose the instruments and bar sizes
  2. Choose the same link color for each chart (make sure the link type is “Replay”)
  3. Edit the Replay Settings
  4. Choose the link and press the “Update” button

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