What platforms do you offer?
We have access to the most popular futures trading platforms
on the market powered by CQG, Rithmic, CTS, TT, and Sierra Chart Teton.
Please visit our site for a comprehensive list of platforms: https://edgeclear.com/trading-platforms/
If you currently use a platform that is not listed on this
page, please contact your broker, and we can see if we are able to connect you
to your preferred platform: https://edgeclear.com/contact-us/
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Do you offer server co-location?
We work with several different third party companies that provide co-location services for traders. VPS or Dedicated Servers in Cermak Chicago or CME Aurora are available. Pricing is dependent on the specifications you require. Please contact us ...
What Data Feeds does EdgeClear offer?
EdgeClear offers the below data providers to deliver streaming real-time quotes and historical data directly from the exchange: Rithmic CQG Teton (Sierra Chart) CTS
Rithmic API Request
You can request a demo for Rithmic API access here. If you're looking for full Rithmic API access, the following information will be needed: 1. Name: 2. Whether you are a part of a company or legal entity, and the name of such entity: 3. Address ...
Do your demos provide real-time data?
The demo feeds we have access to offer real-time data for the duration of the demo. You can register for a CTS demo here. You can register for a Rithmic demo here. You can register for a CQG demo here. It's important to note that while these data ...