Jigsaw daytradr R|Trader Pro Connection Guide

Jigsaw daytradr R|Trader Pro Connection Guide

Note that there are two ways to connect to Rithmic. With this approach, you are connecting directly to the Rithmic RTrader Pro application. This will NOT count as 1 connection. The alternate approach is to connect direct to your Rithmic account, that will be counted as 1 login to Rithmic. Click Here for instructions on connecting to Rithmic Feed directly.

Jigsaw Utilizes Rithmics RAPI+ functionality which supports symbol search and server side OCOs.

More information on the new Rithmic Trader Pro Gateway can be found here: Rithmic CME Market Data Subscription Fees
  1. Use the new R|Trader Pro plug-in to connect to third-party software. If you have not already downloaded R|Trader Pro you can do so from the following: R|Trader Pro Download Link

    1. This step is required for the new connectivity option.  R|Trader Pro must be running on your computer for this connection to work.  Instructions for RTrader can be found here: Rithmic CME Market Data Subscription Fees

    2. When running R | Trader Pro, you must access the Advanced settings and enable market data and plug-in access. This allows Jigsaw daytradr to connect to R Trader Pro gateway. 

    3. For example, if your broker sets up your account with a limit of 1 market data connection and 3 orders connections, this means you can run R | Trader Pro plus 2 instances of Jigsaw daytradr simultaneously on the same machine using only 1 market data connection. Collectively there are three orders connections active for execution purposes but only a single market data connection shared by the three running apps.
  2. When running R | Trader Pro, you must access the Advanced settings and enable market data and plug-in access. This allowsJigsaw to connect to R Trader Pro gateway.

  3. Once you have R | Trader Pro running and have enabled market data and plug-ins in the Advanced settings then you can startup Jigsaw daytradr. 
    1. Enter your credentials for Orders and Market Data (usually the same credentials) and click the green arrow to connect.

  4. Now you can open up Jigsaw daytradr.  

    1. Download the latest install files from the Jigsaw Trading website. Use the login credentials you used when signing up for the software: https://members.jigsawtrading.com/

  5. Once downloaded and running, you will see a login screen that looks similar to the below image:

    1. clip0298

      1. Connection:  The name of the connection - just something you'll remember it by.

        Description:  Optional - an additional description for the connection.

        User Name:  The user name for this Rithmic Account.

        Password:  The password for this Rithmic Account.

        Server:  The most common server names have been defined and can be selected here. If your server is not here and your broker has given you specific connection parameters, then do not select a server.

        Days to load on startup: Number of days trade history to load when connecting. After the first connection, it will simply download what's happened since last connect. Click here for more on loading history.

        Parameters:  If your Server definition is not in the list, then you can manually define the connection parameters here.

        Auto Connect: Check if you want this connection to connect automatically on start up

        Logn via RTrader Pro:  Set to True to login via the RTrader Pro application  <====  VERY IMPORTANT

        Auto Connect Sequence Number:  The order of connection. If you have more than one connection that will connect on startup, you can specify which one you want to connect first.

  6. Once you have defined the connection, click "Test" button to test the settings. If the test is successful, you will see the following:

    1. clip0019

  7. If you are happy with the settings, then click "Ok" to save them and "Cancel" to exit without saving.

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