Connection Details for Rithmic

Connection Details for Rithmic

  1. Go to Sierra Chart. Select Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings on the menu.


  1. Click on the Service list box at the top of the window. Select the Rithmic Trading service name from the list.


  1. In the Service Setting >> Server list, you will need to select the server that your broker has specified for you to use.

    Live Account Server: Rithmic 01 - US 

    Demo or simulation Server: Paper Trading Server.


  1. In the Service Setting >> Username box, enter your Rithmic Trading account username. This is case sensitive! 
  1. In the Service Setting >> Password box, enter your Rithmic Trading account password. This is case sensitive! 
  1.  Set the Maximum Number of Historical Intraday Days to Download to what you require. Generally this should be set to 186.
  1. Enable the Connect On Program Startup option.
  1. Enable the Reconnect on failure option.
  1. Set the Time Zone setting to the time zone that you want times displayed in.
  1. Set the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit to what you require. 
  1. Press OK to close the Data/Trade Service Settings window.
  1. To connect to the data and trading servers, select File >> Connect to Data Feed on the menu.



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